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Elevate your card collecting

We cover all the basketball cards you ever wanted (or needed) to know about.


Get all the key info, fun facts and backstory, including plenty of extra pics and videos.


To celebrate the launch, we're giving

free access to our first guide.



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Prewar Cards guide

Upcoming Releases


Issue #1: Prewar Cards
(1891 - 1939)

The very first basketball card was issued over 120 years ago. See the first college card, the first professional player card, the first cards from the Olympic Games and so much more ...

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Issue #2: Jordan Cards
Vol 1 (1980 - 1989)

This decade saw the debut of the greatest player the sport has ever seen, as well as a multitude of cards from all across the globe to celebrate his impact on the game. 

Avail: 1st Aug

Issue #3: HOF Players

Vol 1 (1959 - 1999)

With 254 HOF players already inducted, this guide covers some of the greatest players in the NBA. Player history, stats, rookie card,  career highlights, photos and videos.

Avail: 1st Sept

Issue #4: 1940s Cards 
(1940 - 1949)

WW2 may have resulted in the smallest number of cards being released, but the 1940s saw the release of the first basketball card set and debut of the OG big man "George Mikan". 

Avail: 1st Oct
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Issue #5: Jordan Cards
Vol 2 (1990 - 1991)

The 90s saw Jordan mature as a player and lead his team to the first of six titles. It also saw an influx of card brands and even more Jordan cards.

Avail: 1st Nov
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Issue #6: Kobe Bryant Rookie Cards (1996)

Take a trip down memory lane with us as we pay homage to one of the best to have ever played the game with a look at all his rookie cards. Vale Kobe!

Avail: 1st Dec
Delivering Package

Card of the Week

The date was 1903 and Henry Tetlow was figuring out how to sell more facial powder to women. Little did he know he would produce the first basketball card and kickstart a hobby still going strong over 120 years later.


Find out more info and see more images in our Prewar Cards guide.

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What Collectors are Saying

"Thorough research skills, coupled with a love of basketball have resulted in a must have guide. I wish I had this years ago"


"If there was a basketball card god, this would be his bible"


"Comprehensive but easy to read and lots of great images. A reference source for any card collector"



"Wow! Just got a sneak peak of the Kobe guide. All his rookie cards and curated videos of his most iconic moments from his legendary career"


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